# X-Stat
# www.xqus.com/x-stat
# Date: 08.02.2001
# Author: Audun Larsen.
# web: www.xqus.com
# mail: audun@xqus.com
# This script is copyright © 2000-2010 by Audun Larsen, All Rights Reserved.
# This script may be downloaded and used for any purpose, including commercial,
# provided that the Conditions are met.
# Conditions:
# -> Do NOT remove any of the copyright notices in the script.
# -> This script can not be distribuated by anyone else than the author, unless special permisson is given.
# The author is not responible if this script causes any damage to your server or computers.
$bad_ip = array();
require "config.php";
if($run_debug==1) {
if ( ( (stristr($HTTP_REFERER, "$server_url") == false) && (stristr($HTTP_REFERER, "$new_server_url") == false) ) && $debug==0) {
echo"Nije dozvoljeno pokrenuti x-stat odavde!
->Posetite x-stat forume za vise informacija.";
else {
foreach($bad_ip as $ip) {
$ip_arr = explode(".", $ip);
$v_ip = explode(".", $REMOTE_ADDR);
if($ip_arr[0] != "*") { if($ip_arr[0] == $v_ip[0]) { $match1="1"; } } else { $match1="1"; }
if($ip_arr[1] != "*") { if($ip_arr[1] == $v_ip[1]) { $match2="1"; } } else { $match2="1"; }
if($ip_arr[2] != "*") { if($ip_arr[2] == $v_ip[2]) { $match3="1"; } } else { $match3="1"; }
if($ip_arr[3] != "*") { if($ip_arr[3] == $v_ip[3]) { $match4="1"; } } else { $match4="1"; }
if(isset($match1) && isset($match2) && isset($match3) && isset($match4)) { $ok="0"; }
if($ok == 1) {
$cookie_time = time();
$cookie_reset_time = time()+259200;
if (isset($x_stat_cookie)) {
if ($cookie_time > $x_stat_cookie) {
$is_uniqe = "1";
else { $is_uniqe = "0"; }
else {
$is_uniqe = "1";
if ($reffer != "") { $reffering = str_replace("|", "l", $reffer); } else { $reffering = "Direct Hit"; }
if (isset($HTTP_REFERER)) { $loaded = $HTTP_REFERER; } else { $loaded = "Unknown"; }
$new_log_time1 = date("G");
$new_log_time2 = date("j");
$new_log_time3 = date("n");
$new_log_time4 = date("Y");
$hostmask = gethostbyaddr($REMOTE_ADDR);
$file_size = filesize("logs/stats.txt");
if ($file_size > $max_log_size) { //start resetting stats
if ($want_monthly_log == "1") {
$resett_stats = fopen ("logs/stats.txt", "w");
flock($resett_stats, 2); // Write lock
fwrite($resett_stats, "$new_log_time1|$new_log_time2|$new_log_time3|$new_log_time4|$reffering|$HTTP_USER_AGENT|$REMOTE_ADDR|$loaded|$hostmask|$is_uniqe");
fclose ($resett_stats);
$new_time = fopen("logs/reset_time.txt", w);
flock($new_time, 2); // Write lock
fwrite($new_time, time());
$file_size = filesize("logs/stats.txt");
} // ends resetting stats
else {
if ($file_size==0) {
$line = "$new_log_time1|$new_log_time2|$new_log_time3|$new_log_time4|$reffering|$HTTP_USER_AGENT|$REMOTE_ADDR|$loaded|$hostmask|$is_uniqe";
else {
$line = "\n$new_log_time1|$new_log_time2|$new_log_time3|$new_log_time4|$reffering|$HTTP_USER_AGENT|$REMOTE_ADDR|$loaded|$hostmask|$is_uniqe";
$fp = fopen ("logs/stats.txt", "a");
flock($fp, 2); // Write lock
fwrite ($fp, "$line");
flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
fclose ($fp);
$total_visits = file ("logs/count.txt");
$total_visits = $total_visits[0] + 1;
$new_total_visits = fopen ("logs/count.txt", "w");
fwrite ($new_total_visits, "$total_visits");
fclose ($new_total_visits);
setcookie("x_stat_cookie", $cookie_reset_time,time()+604800);
Header("Location: x_stat.gif");