
This text present one approach to Software Development called Interface-Driven Development. Its purpose is to make software design …

How we can ensure (automatic) high code quality in .NET even before code review? By using static code analyzers and some other tools.

Continuous integration and Continuous deployment are an important part of modern software development practices and DevOps. It brings …

Web developers in the modern era often create different kinds of Web APIs and publish them to some platforms. In recent years probably …

The greatest software development books of all time every software developer need to read (language agnostic).

A Brief Walk Through .Net Ecosystem in 2020. and look to the future

From time to time we hear about COBOL, that there is demand for it. What is it and why it is happening now?

Sharing knowledge is one of the main pain points in today’s software development. It also promotes innovation and developers …

Quick reference on .NET

Being a developer these days involves sometimes developing features and fixing bugs at a fast pace, which can result in code that is …